Hi, I’m Paul.
I’ll walk along side you to listen and pray as you reflect and discern the Divine presence in your daily life.
What is spiritual direction?
We all need someone to trust as we talk about important issues. You might be facing a difficult decision in your life. Or, perhaps you might be trying to make sense of a challenging situation.
Maybe you’re looking for answers to your spiritual questions. I’ll listen to you carefully and prayerfully. I won’t give you pat answers or advice. It is God who provides the direction not me.
I’ll help you notice the small quiet voice of God in your daily life. I will walk along side you as you respond back to God’s invitation of love.
Along the way I might suggest a spiritual practice or two to facilitate your conversation with God. Mostly, I’ll gently companion you as you explore the reality of God in your life.
Who is spiritual direction for?
Spiritual direction is meant for busy ordinary people whose family and work lives seem to devour their time. It’s for people who, despite the distractions, have a desire to know God better.
Our time together is a moment to hit the mute button on the world’s noise to give your full attention to God. It’s a time to tell God what’s on your heart and to hear back from him.
There is no one reason or type of person who seeks spiritual companionship. People from all walks of life and stages of faith seek a deeper experience of God. Perhaps the time is right for you to explore meeting with a spiritual director.
Spiritual Direction may be right for you if:
You want to talk about your experiences of God without criticism or judgement.
God has been silent and you want to learn how to hear God’s voice clearly.
You’ve reached a “spiritual plateau” and you want to get “unstuck”.
You’re facing a major decision or change and need discernment.
You’re in the midst of a life transition and you need a companion to help you through it.
I am devoted to guiding people in their spiritual journeys and helping them explore matters of the soul, faith, and life.
Looking for a Spiritual Director?
Finding a spiritual director who is a good match is important.
This simple guide answers all the essential questions as you consider spiritual direction.
What is spiritual direction about?
Is spiritual direction right for you?
How do I find a spiritual director?
What's the first meeting like?
How do I get started?
Where do I go to learn more about spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is like…
Musical Accompaniment
A backup musician plays accompaniment for a soloist with a beautiful song to sing. The singer is the directee, the song is their life story, and the accompanist is the director. The spirit breathes life into the song and makes it soar. The director’s role is to carefully listen and stay in tune with the singer and spirit to create wonderful music together.
Spiritual Sherpas
Mount Everest climbers depend upon experienced guides know as Sherpas. Without them most climbers wouldn’t make it. Spiritual Sherpas guide explorers in their quest to experience God. Directors are travel companions who provide support and guidance with compassion and selflessness.
“It’s not the mountain we conquer but ourselves”.
Sir Edmund Hilary
Some of the people I come along side…
Men in transition
Many men are comfortable and self-sufficient until an event or crisis hits close to home. Issues with work, family, health, or retirement may lead to a crisis of faith. Often, the old faith formula doesn’t work anymore. I companion men who seek an experience of God that speaks to the reality of their lives.
Soul & Body Care
Being a cancer survivor and a healthcare professional prepared me to companion others with health issues. People who suffer from chronic or painful conditions look for ways to bring their brokenness to God. I help others to listen to God and their bodies. I come along side others as they practice soul and body care.
Chat With Me
Let’s chat about my services to see if they might work for you.