Welcome to my new site on mentoring.

We live in an incredible time to work for yourself or create a meaningful career. Changes in healthcare are accelerating. Many therapists want more than a paycheck.

After almost a decade of helping therapists start and grow a cash practice, I really felt called to companion others in their spiritual lives. I’ve leaned this way after selling my practice and being trained as a spiritual director.

Thus, I stopped cash practice coaching and discontinued my website PaulPotterPT.com. You can still access my course Cash Therapy Practice from Scratch and my books on Amazon.

Over the years, I’ve helped therapists to integrate their spirituality into their work lives. Times with these therapists have been a spark of joy and fullfillment.

If you're interested in having a spiritual companion for personal enlightenment or your vocational calling please look around my website and reach out to me. The initial discovery session is free.

If not, I wish you all the best and every good in your life. Should life change you can always reach me a ppotterpt@gmail.com